Community Spotlight: Resting Waters Pet Funeral Home
The animal loved one altar at the Resting Waters office in West Seattle. A dark, rectangle wood table contains a round wooden stand holding ink and clay paw prints, a pillow covered in a brown and white blanket, white candles and a snake plant in a golden pot. Underneath the table are pet beds of varying sizes and a green string tapestry is above the altar.
For many people, the loss of a pet is just as impactful, if not more devastating, than the death of a human. In Seattle, we are fortunate to have the trailblazing Resting Waters Aquamation to support families as they grieve.
Resting Waters is a pet funeral home that was the first organization in Washington State to use alkaline hydrolysis (water cremation) to care for deceased companions. With deep affection for our animal loved ones, Resting Waters provides eco-friendly, family-forward, gentle support from the time a pet gets sick until ashes are returned to the humans. Resting Waters can walk you through how to help your animal companion die ethically and comfortably at home. They can also facilitate unique keepsakes (think precious paw prints and really unique urns).
I know from personal experience that the team at Resting Waters is kind, funny and really good at what they do. They also love answering questions! Feel free to reach out to them and visit their space. You will be touched by their work - and all of the animal photos will make your day!